martes, 17 de octubre de 2017

Destacado 2016 | Inka Trail Expeditions Perú, misterio, tradición y turismo de aventura

"Estamos orgullosos de ser reconocidos como empresa "Destacados 2016", seguiremos mejorando para poder ofrecer los mejores tours a los mejores precios y con el mejor personal"

Inka Trail Expedition Perú Tour, operador que fue fundado con el único deseo de crear una auténtica agencia de viajes peruana, que se incorpora de manera sostenible a la diversidad, tradición, aventura y misterio que hace del Perú un país tan fascinante para visitar, nuestra agencia de viajes nació en Cusco – Perú tierra de los Incas y seguirá siendo siempre lo más cercano posible y más fiel a las comunidades locales y la cultura peruana; tratamos de celebrar y compartir la herencia fantástica de nuestra gran nación.

Desde el momento en que comenzó la compañía en 2007, vivimos los valores que asociamos con nuestra cultura corporativa y estilo de gestión actual, gestión de práctica y un compromiso constante para satisfacer las necesidades de los clientes a través de la excelencia en calidad, servicio y hospitalidad. Todo lo que hacemos se basa en nuestras creencias inflexibles en el buen trato a las personas bastante trabajo, prestando mucha atención a los detalles y escuchando a nuestros clientes.

Misterio, tradición y turismo de aventura

Inka Trail Expedition Perú se dedica a proveer experiencias de viaje de alta calidad que preservan las tierras frágiles que visitamos. Al trabajar estrechamente con nuestros clientes, somos capaces de diseñar las únicas vacaciones que coincidan con sus intereses y horario. Además de tours privados personalizados, nuestra especialidad, también ofrecemos salidas pre establecidas.
Inka Trail Expedition Perú te ofrece más de lo que estás buscando, descubrir exhuberantes paisajes en una experiencia de turismo sostenible como nada en el mundo habían visto. Brindamos viajes de aventura alternativo con cruceros y autobuses para cada viaje, no sólo queremos cambiar la manera de cómo las personas buscan aventura, tiempo de vacaciones, si no también mostrar viajes dentro de Perú, haciendo de momentos inolvidables que marcará para siempre a través de nuestros proyectos sociales (Smile Terra) llenos de aventuras energéticas y naturales. Es una creencia inherente a los valores que inspiran nuestro ser y negocios de hoy.
Nuestro personal
Emplear un equipo de profesionales conocedores en nuestra sede de Seattle y tienen larga data relaciones contractuales con nuestros especialistas en logísticas en el Perú que ayudan a desarrollar y coordinar los tours. Todos han viajado mucho o vivido y trabajado en nuestros países de destino y comparten una filosofía común de negocios y ética ambiental.
Tamaño del grupo
Nuestra agencia de viajes limita el número de grupos de tours de doce a dieciséis viajeros. Esta política ofrece varios beneficios. Minimiza el impacto ambiental, nos permite viajar a las zonas menos visitadas y hace que el turismo sea una experiencia más personal. Nuestros guías están capacitados para atender las necesidades individuales de cada visitante. Viajar en grupos pequeños también aumenta la probabilidad de encontrar vida silvestre en áreas como el Amazonas.

sábado, 26 de agosto de 2017

Humantay Lake Full day

From USD $50.00 per person

At Humantay Lake Full Day you can find spectacular scenery with exotic flora and fauna along this trek adventure you will find beautiful valleys and snow-capped mountains and one of the most important and sacred lake.

Humantay Lake Full day


Pick up from your hotel, we will begin our adventure towards Lake Humantay with a 4 hours private transportation to Soraypampa (3850 masl).

Soraypampa is the camp for the first day of the Salkantay Trek. In Soraypampa we will have a delicious breakfast to start our day before starting our trek. In Soraypampa we will begin our trek to Humantay Lake (4200 masl) with beautiful views and if the sky is clear enough, we can even see the impressive Apus Salcantay and Humantay (The Apus are the spirits of the mountains).

It is a 1.5 hour walk to the lake with a low to moderate difficulty, but it will be more than worth it when you see the magical view. It is also possible to rent a horse in its place. We will have enough time to take photos, bring an offer to the Apus, and for the true bravest; Swim in the lake when it's sunny! After some free time, we will begin our descent to Soraypampa of approximately 1.5 hours, which is much easier than climbing. In Soraypampa we will wait for lunch and after a bit of rest we will return to Cusco where we will arrive at 6:00 pm

Humantay Lake Full day


  • Transport to/from Soraypampa
  • 1 Breakfast
  • Professional English/Spanish speaking guide
  • 1 Lunch.
  • First aid kit and oxygen tank.
  • Vegetarian options / special diet available

View complete details of tour at Humantay Lake Full day

jueves, 20 de julio de 2017

Salkantay Trek + Inca Trail to Machu Picchu in 7 days

Salkantay trek + Inca Trail to Machu Picchu in 7 days - Wiñaywayna

Our classic Salkantay Trek is an alternative to the traditional Inca Trail to Machu Picchu. The Sacred path is a cutting edge experience for adventure travelers looking for a little more privacy and authenticity.

Salkantay Trek + Inca Trail to Machu Picchu in 7 days

With more spectacular views, the Salkantay Trek to Machu Picchu offers a quiet and rich contemplation of Nature.

Salkantay Trek + Inca Trail to Machu Picchu in 7 days


  • Transfers In / Out
  • Transportation Cusco - Mollepata. (Start walking)
  • Professional bilingual tour guide English / Spanish.
  • Assistant tour guide (for groups of 9 or more people)
  • Entrance Fee to Machu Picchu.
  • 6 breakfasts, 6 lunches, 6 afternoon snacks, 6 dinners. ” Vegetarian (vegan) food on request at no extra cost!
  • Cook. (Professional)
  • Drinking water along the Salkantay Trail and Inka Trail, only on meal times.
  • Dining tent with tables and chairs
  • 1st Aid Kit
  • 01 Oxygen Ball
  • Horses (to carry tents, food and cooking equipment)
  • Horse men
  • Porters (to carry tents, food and cooking equipment)
  • Quadruple & waterproof Camping tent “02 people only”
  • 01 Sleeping Mattress per person
  • Return train tickets in Expedition Service (Machupicchu - Ollantaytambo and bus to Cusco) transfer to Hotel.

jueves, 22 de junio de 2017

Salkantay Trek + Inca Trail to Machu Picchu in 6 days

Salkantay trek + Inca Trail to Machu Picchu in 6 days

The Vilcanota Mountain Range is an impressive range of mountains in Peru which include the snowcapped Salkantay (6,264 meters) and three others over 6000 meters that you will appreciate in this trek.

Abra Salkantay

This snow is really exceptional, located less than fifty miles northwest of the city of Cusco in south central Peru. It is the highest mountain of the Vilcabamba Mountain Range. Because of its proximity to the city, it is easily accessible and is climbed frequently. Join us on this incredible Hiking Tour to Machu Picchu. Book early.

Machu Picchu hike


  • Transfers In / Out
  • Transportation Cusco - Mollepata. (Start walking)
  • Professional bilingual tour guide English /Spanish.
  • Assistant tour guide (for groups of 9 or more people)
  • 5 breakfasts, 5 lunches, 5 afternoon snacks, 5 dinners. ”Vegetarian (vegan) food on request at no extra cost!
  • Cook. (Professional)
  • Drinking water along the Salkantay Trail and Inca Trail, only on meal times.
  • Dining tent with tables and chairs
  • 1st Aid Kit
  • 01 Oxygen Ball
  • Horses (to carry tents, food and cooking equipment)
  • Horse men
  • Quadruple & waterproof Camping tent “02 people only”
  • 01 Sleeping Mattress per person “therma rest”
  • 02 Bus ticket Machu Picchu Inca City to Aguas Calientes
  • 02 nights in touristic hostel in Aguas Calientes “Machupicchu Village”.
  • Return train tickets (Machupicchu - Ollantaytambo and bus to Cusco) transfer to Hotel.

jueves, 8 de junio de 2017

Machu Picchu Full day

Sunrise in Machu Picchu

“With Expedition Train Service : USD $ 295.00 per person The Adventure Starts in the Journey

“With Panorámic Vistadome Train : USD $ 345.00 per person "A journey for your senses"

One day visit to one of the wonders of the world, Machu Picchu.

The beautiful Machu Picchu Inca citadel was built in the fifteenth century by Inca Pachacutec, this impressive archaeological monument was considered a Royal hacienda destined to the cult of the Gods and a challenge to the ruling skills builders.

Built as a refuge for the elite of the Inca aristocracy, is considered one of the seven wonders of the world since 2007 and is located at 2430 meters altitude in the Urubamba river valley. Visiting this place is for you an unforgettable experience ever imagined.

This trek is often known as "the twenty one day to Machu Picchu Tours"


EVERY DAY 5:00 am. 22:30 pm.

Cusco – Ollantaytambo – Machu Picchu village (Aguas Calientes)
9:30 am Machu Picchu Inca City
18:45. – 22:30 p.m.
Machu Picchu village – Ollantaytambo - Cusco

Meals provided = (B) Breakfast, (L) Lunch, (D) Dinner

Day 1 : Cusco – Machu Picchu - Cusco

View panoramic of Machu Picchu

Pick up from your accommodation at 03:00 am. Early in the morning transfer to the train station in Ollantaytambo. At 05:30 am boarding the train bound for the majestic sanctuary of “Machu Picchu”, which since 2007 was considered a world wonder.

During the tour we will appreciate the beauty of the valleys and the indigenous people of the area, up to Machu Picchu town, or better known as Aguas Calientes. Then we will take you on a tour bus for about half an hour to the sanctuary. After rigorous check the admission booth, begins our unique experience in life, we are facing this amazing world heritage monument.

Our guide starts visiting the Inca complex, in the Temple of the Sun, where their main trade is observed, then the Intihuatana, the sacred rock group, the Temple of the Three Windows, the mausoleum, among other places of interest for tourists. This will give the tourist free time to take photos, scroll on their own wherever your interests take you.

In Machu Picchu town you can walk, go to places where they sell crafts, to the Plaza de Armas and others places, until the time to board the train back to Cusco. Around 08:00 pm, we will take the train back to Ollantaytambo where our tourist transport awaits us to go to the Imperial city of Cusco, then transfer to your accommodation.


  • Transfers In / Out
  • Train tickets to Machu Picchu (according to the Train Service you want)
  • Professional bilingual tour guides
  • Bus ticket to Machupicchu round trip
  • Entrance fee to Machu Picchu
  • Bus tickets to Machu picchu Inca City and to Machu picchu town (Aguas Calientes)
  • 1 lunch in Machu Picchu
  • Expedition train ticket from Aguas Calientes to Ollantaytambo
  • Transfer from Ollantaytambo train station to your hotel in Cusco

View complete details of tour at Machu Picchu Full day

lunes, 29 de mayo de 2017

Inti Raymi "Sun Festival" Full day

Inti Raymi - Sacsayhuaman Fortress

DURATION: 8:00AM to 4:30PM

This tour starts at 8:00 am, picking you up from the hotel, then we go to the first scene for the ceremony. The ceremony of INTI RAYMI has three different scenes in three different places. It starts at the Qoricancha Palace situated on El Sol Avenue. Then we move on to the main square, the Plaza del Armas, where the second ceremony will be held. Finally, it ends in the most special scene at Sacsayhuaman ( 3 km from Cusco) where we will go by bus.

Ceremony of Inti Raymi on Main Square of Cusco


The central staging of Inti Raymi is held in the Sacred main square of Saqsaywaman. They have place tribunes that can acommodate about 3,906 people. All the seats are very confortable for the spectators.The VIP Zone is formed for these 3 tribunes (Orange, Blue and Green) which gives a better view of the ceremony.

VIP Tribunes of Inti Raymi (Orange, Blue and Green) on Sacsayhuaman Fortress


EMEFUC offers other necesary services to attend to the INTI RAYMI, VIP confortable seats for the spectator, Higienic Mobil Bathrooms, Fisrt Aid Post and police security which allow you to enjoy this ancestral ceremony.


  • Entrance tickets to the VIP tribune (Orange, Blue or Green).
  • Official tourism guide English / Spanish.
  • Box lunch.
  • Bus transportation.
  • Transfers from all the places.
  • Pull service (shared with other tourists)


  • Entrance to recreational sites, such as "Clubs" "Hot Springs, Amusement Parks"
  • Others not specified in the Program.
  • Unscheduled meals.


To send you all the information about how to book please email us and we will respond as soon as possible by sending all the necessary information and / or answering your concerns.

View complete details of tour at Inti Raymi Full day

jueves, 20 de abril de 2017

Salkantay Trek to Machu Picchu in 4 Days

Salcantay Pass - Salkantay Trek to Machu Picchu in 4 days

Short Salkantay Trek to Machu Picchu is suitable for those trekkers who wish to see Mt Salcantay from near but they do not have sufficient time to go all the way or restricted to go there by other reasons.

Challakancha - Salkantay Trek to Machu Picchu in 4 days

This short Salkantay Trekking Package offers you to face breathtaking view of Salcantay glacier and other mountain peaks. Not only mountain views, you will get great opportunity to explore Machu Picchu inca city and have a close look at their fascinating Andean culture”.

La Playa - Salkantay Trek to Machu Picchu in 4 days


  • Transfers In / Out
  • Transportation Cusco - Mollepata. (Start walking)
  • Professional bilingual tour guide English / Spanish.
  • Assistant tour guide (for groups of 9 or more people)
  • Entrance Fee to Machu Picchu.
  • 3 breakfasts, 3 lunches, 3 afternoon snacks, 3 dinners. ” Vegetarian (vegan) food on request at no extra cost!
  • Cook. (Professional)
  • Drinking water along the Salkantay Trail, only on meal times.
  • Dining tent with tables and chairs
  • 1st Aid Kit
  • 01 Oxygen Ball
  • Horses (to carry tents, food and cooking equipment)
  • Horse men
  • Quadruple & waterproof Camping tent “02 people only”
  • 01 Sleeping Mattress per person “therma rest”
  • 01 night in touristic hostel in Aguas Calientes “Machupicchu Village”.
  • Return train tickets in Expedition Service (Machu Picchu - Ollantaytambo and bus to Cusco) transfer to Hotel.
Machu Picchu - Salkantay Trek to Machu Picchu in 4 days

View complete details of tour at Short Salkantay Trek to Machu Picchu in 4 days